What are Chakras?

Chakras are our energy centers. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. They are all connected energetically to our physical, spiritual, mental and emotional aspects of us. There are seven major chakras. (There is so many more)
The first chakra, root is located at the base of your spine. Hara is located below your belly button. Solar plexus is located above your belly button. The heart is located in the middle of your chest. The Throat is located, yep, you guessed it, in your throat region.
The third eye, is located in the middle of your forehead. The seventh chakra is the crown and is located on the center of your head.
Chakras are invisible to the human eye, but they can be perceived intuitively by gifted energy workers. When a chakra is imbalanced, it can cause that area of the body to be in pain or out of alignment. Such as if you have migraines, you might need to need to get your third eye and/or crown balanced. It can be over active or over stimulated.
The first chakra, root is located at the base of your spine. Hara is located below your belly button. Solar plexus is located above your belly button. The heart is located in the middle of your chest. The Throat is located, yep, you guessed it, in your throat region.
The third eye, is located in the middle of your forehead. The seventh chakra is the crown and is located on the center of your head.
Chakras are invisible to the human eye, but they can be perceived intuitively by gifted energy workers. When a chakra is imbalanced, it can cause that area of the body to be in pain or out of alignment. Such as if you have migraines, you might need to need to get your third eye and/or crown balanced. It can be over active or over stimulated.
Evaluating the Health of Your Chakras
Having your chakras evaluated by a trained practitioner is a good way to get a better understanding of how your body functions on an energetic level. An energy worker trained in reading chakras will be able to tell you which chakras are functioning poorly and which chakras are working overtime. When one or two chakras are performing at a reduced level, the remaining chakras have to pick up the slack. Having a non-functioning chakra can effectively "blow out" an otherwise healthy chakra.
Keeping Your Chakras in Proper Alignment
When your back or hip gets out of alignment you will make a trip to the chiropractor's office for a spinal adjustment. Similarly, a healer trained in manipulating the energy flow can assist you in getting misaligned chakras back to functioning properly. It may take one or more appointments with a practitioner to get your energy levels up to par. Afterwards, there are a variety of healthy actions you can take to help keep them open, allowing your energy to flow naturally.